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Showing posts from August, 2020

Tooth Extraction Procedure , Cost and Post Care

There are so many reasons for which you need to go with tooth extraction dentist in Keller for treatment. Maybe your tooth is decayed, or you've some pain, or there are some crowded teeth, or you want to have braces, but there is no space, and many more reasons are there. The tooth extraction procedure is highly recommended when you have gum disease, or if the tooth is decayed, as if you don't go with that, you may lose a lot more tooth. Most commonly, the dentist extracts the wisdom tooth as they're the most common to cause problems. Based on the type of your teeth, the dentist may change the tooth extraction procedure. That means, they can either go with a simple extraction procedure or the surgical procedure. In either case, you won't feel any pain, but many of them are chosen based on the size of the tooth, the location, or the shape. The tooth extraction procedure starts with the injection of local anesthesia, which will help to number the area in which the

How ofte you should replace your toothbrush

  Do you regularly brush your teeth? Well, that's a good habit and hygiene that everyone should follow. But wait, do you think that even if you brush regularly, you won't face any dental issues? Well, if so, then you should know that the answer to this question is the condition of your toothbrush. For instance, if you brush at least twice a day with a new toothbrush, you should know that the efficiency of the toothbrush will reduce within three months of regular usage. We know that the toothbrush should always have soft bristles, and if we talk about the latest toothbrushes, then all of them have soft bristles. The benefit of having soft bristles is that it can deeply and easily clean your teeth without harming your gums. But the next thing is, soft bristles are efficient but not powerful, means after a regular usage they will start tearing off, and so, as a result, you won't get proper cleaning of your teeth.   Now the question comes, how long should I use mytoothbrush